We know the nonprofit world.
Many consulting firms claim to serve the nonprofit industry, but they don’t often truly understand the special needs of nonprofits. Through LKS Associates and our predecessor Wordsmith Communications, we have many years of experience working in the nonprofit world.
We can work with Boards of Trustees and staff as part of an effective team, whether it is for a special event or a long-term marketing effort. We’ve been on both sides of the fence, serving on boards of non-profit organizations from private schools to performing arts organizations, and managing the operations and marketing for startup museums and long-running jazz festivals.
Some of the many non-profits we have worked with over the years include the New Jersey Hall of Fame, the Community Theatre at the Mayo Performing Arts Center, MCJ Foundation, Blair Academy, Carolyn Dorfman Dance, New Jersey Jazz Society, the Thomas Edison Film Festival, New Jersey City University and the Morris County Chamber of Commerce.
We were a key part of the creation of the New Jersey State Council on the Art’s Discover Jersey Arts Campaign, and we helped the Community Theatre at MPAC raise more than $10 million during its initial capital campaign. We helped launch the New Jersey Hall of Fame and raised more than $400,000 for their successful Mobile Museum. And we founded and run the Morristown Jazz & Blues Festival.
We’ve produced music festivals for communities. We’ve run PR campaigns and designed logos. We’ve created season brochures and produced concerts. We’ve designed websites and created eNewsletters. Like most people in the nonprofit world, we’ve worn many hats and have done what needs to be done to reach the goals. If your organization has important objectives but limited staff, give us a call. We can help.